On Wednesday, February 6th, 2019, the University of Florida will host a conversation with youth activists and legal and climate science experts defending the rights of all Floridians to a stable climate. The event, which will take place in Ocora (Main Room) of Pugh Hall from 6 to 8 PM, will feature:
Isaac Augspurg & Oscar Psychas
Guy M. Burns, Managing Partner, Johnson Pope Bokor Ruppel and Burns, LLP
Andrea Dutton, Assoc. Professor of Geology, University of Florida
Andrea Rodgers, Senior Staff Attorney, Our Children’s Trust
Since 2011, the nonprofit organization Our Children’s Trust has supported youth around the United States in bringing legal action in the courts and state administrative agencies to advance science-based climate recovery action at the state and federal levels. Click here to read more about their work.
Location of Event & Parking
Pugh Hall (296 Buckman Drive, Gainesville, FL 32611) is centrally located on the UF campus. The most convenient parking for this event is at the O’Connell Center parking lot (250 Gale Lemerand Drive, Gainesville, FL 32611), where parking is free after 3:30 PM, Monday through Frid
For more information, see http://imagining-climate.clas.ufl.edu, or contact Terry Harpold (tharpold@ufl.edu ) or Andrea Medina (andream@ufl.edu ).