Filmmaker Jessica Oreck will be visiting UF for a screening of her latest work, The Vanquishing of the Witch Baba Yaga. A follow-up to her documentary Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo, Ms. Oreck’s newest film is set in Eastern Europe, telling a story that mixes narrative and documentary elements including an animated tableaux. Her film will be screened on January 13, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 100 of Library East. Ms. Oreck will be answering questions from the audience following the film.
Film Description:
Following fairy-tales and personal memories like a trail of breadcrumbs, The Vanquishing of the Witch Baba Yaga descends into Eastern Europe’s haunted woodlands to uncover the secrets and bloody histories that shape our understandings of man’s place in nature. For more information and a trailer for the film, click here.